Hey guys, it's Ryan.
For a few months now, we have had a problem. That problem is Kevin. He has promised multiple times to get better about his inability to release episodes on time, and that this would be the last time. And he did it again. And again. And now, with episode 13 finally out, I thought we would get back on track. We both agreed to release a few episode one week in a row. However, it seems Kevin has ONCE AGAIN neglected his responsibilities. And I feel it is unfair to not only our audience, but to Jacob and I, that this persists to happen after so many failed promises.
So it is with a heavy heart, and after much discussion with Jacob, that we have removed Kevin from the podcast. He has been with us from the beginning, and was the one to get us all together. But he seems to no longer have time for the podcast, and it cannot go on any longer.
The podcast WILL continue without Kevin's presence and will not change its format. Now Kevin's departure was not exactly mutually accepted, but no matter what he says the podcast has moved on. We are currently searching for replacements and think we may have found one. Or two actually.
I now have to bring up another subject that has plagued us for months. Sally's presence on the podcast. We love Sally, and think she is great and adds a lot. We have made that clear to you all. And while it may seem like negative opinions of Sally have subsided, we are still frequently getting emails about kicking her off. Over the last month especially, these emails have increased, emailers claiming to "no longer listen to your podcast because of that squeaky voiced little girl." So it is with an even heavier heart that Sally has quit the podcast due to listener feedback. We will miss the times we had with her and miss her deeply. But for the interest of the podcast, we have to move on.
For now, the only two hosts will be Jacob and me. Now this may seem a bit...drab, but don't be alarmed. Jacob and I are taking several measures to make sure the podcast continues with a consistent level of not only quality, but also of consistent release. We ask for your support in this rough transition. Also, because editing was Kevin's job, I will be taking over. So wish us luck guys!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
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that is STUPID. i can sort of understand kickin kevin of (although he was awsome in the podcast) by kicking sally off you are basicly ruining the entire podcast. cmon guys i meen she lightens the show up a whole heap. it was always hilarious when kevin picked on sally for her animal loving. if you procede with kicking her off the podcast you will lose manny listeners possobly including me! ii love the podcast. i have learned many things i did not already no. please DONT kick sally off
ReplyDeleteListen, before you quit the podcast, give us a chance. We are gonna release an episode in a week or so, so don't quit us just yet.
ReplyDeleteI've listened to every single podcast and I know I'm only speaking for myself but have had no problem with delays or Sally.I was glad that you even brought her on, because out of the dozens of podcasts I listen to there isn't a single presence of female on any of them. And to Shapes345 they said in post that Sally quit due listener feedback.
Hey Ryan, I think you should talk to Sally and see if she will reconsider. As far as Kevin goes, do you think it would work out if he co-hosted with no duties, and if he wasnt around when you wanted to record then he wouldnt be on the episode?
ReplyDeleteI agree with Shapes345 about not wanting to take either Sally or Kevin from the podcast they were both good hosts and i enjoyed listening to them, and people dont seem to respect that a female (sally) is actually playing this game and willing to speak of her experience with it,although i will continue listening to the podcast and hold my decision on whether it was a good or bad choice to remove them from the podcast.I hope they reconsider..
By kicking Sally off you have just lost a loyal listener.
ReplyDeleteI'm saddened that sally has quit the podcast, and that Kevin has been voted off the island. Frankly, I don't know if i want to really listen anymore.. after all this. This is just bullcrap. Sally shouldn't have quit due to some immature listeners who can't handle having a freaking girl on the show. They're the real problem here. I mean, Sally really made the podcast fun, and a little bit more happy, i think. This was the fist podcast i've listened to that has had a girl as a co-host, and I think she really brought a lot to the show. Kevin being booted really isn't what I'm mad about, as you can tell, it's specifically about Sally quitting. Please try to get her to reconsider.
ReplyDeleteI never really minded the delays - it was worth it as it seemed to me that Kevin, Ryan, Sally, and Jacob really provided a perfect and entertaining mix for the tone of the podcast. I'd find myself LOL many times when listening to all the bantering. I thing the podcast is really great, but the next episode will really be a trial as far as I'm concerned.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are a bunch of assholes. I mean, why the fuck would you take Kevin off? He was the man! Who the fuck do you think you are Ryan? You god damn pervert, go choke on a dead hooker's foot or something.
ReplyDeletei r vere sad 4 salle. she is nice person. what iz her phone number
ReplyDeleteI don't want to get into the "politic" with Kevin departure, I canimagine their is more then meet the eyes.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm really sad of sally going away, she was making the podcast a bit less serious and more refreshing.
We'll miss you Sally and Kevin.
ok, that's just STUUUUPIIIIIID!!!!!!1!!!!!
ReplyDeletekevin and sally are the funniest people on the whole podcast. Jacob says about ten words each podcast, and now ur taking over. WHAT THE HELL DUDE!
Hello GNR, my name is BTips or incase names are applied, Brian. I've listened to the podcast since episode 1 and loved every moment of it. Im happy their hour long episodes with alot of laughs and a load of info. I have been a Fallout 3 fan for a long time now so I agree on everything thats been said on the podcast. It's a shame to see Sally and Kevin go and it stinks not having them on board but your trying to do whats best with GNR and I respect that. Now, feel free to neglect this but as a Fallout 3 fan, I know almost everything there is to know about the game such as Unique Weapons, area's, quests, people,etc so I know my way around. The key about it is that I play the Playstation 3 version so I'm different from you and Jacob who play 360 and PC versions. Not really a great thing but I see it as an oppurtunity for you guys to reach out to the PS3 listeners if you've had a PS3 Fallout 3 user on your show. Im not saying you need to fully agree but it's an oppurtunity for your PS3 listeners to hear news on PC, 360 as well as PS3 news when it comes to Fallout 3. Even with Sally and Kevin gone, I will continue listening to the podcast because I respect you guys and Bethesda for making a great game
ReplyDeleteGNR, I respect your decicions but Kevin could be a co-host and Sally could stay because the people who don't like her just dont want to except that a girl actually plays games . So please reconsider keeping Kevin as a co-host and keeping Sally because she really brought up the mood of the podcast.
theres other reasons why Sally left, look at the forums.
ReplyDeleteWhere Do I start the complaints about Kevin kicked are not all that true if you read it says if could still be on it is up to him but his duty's on the show like main host, leader, editor and other things have been taken due to many things reason like not editing on time, sometimes being a asshole(I don't care what y'all think He can be a one,I say that with all the respect in the world),Sally more than likely just did not want to do it anymore.The reason that Ryan has chosen to take charger one, I do believe he has put the most cash into the podcast, wants the podcast to work and last the most,(And Ryan gave Kevin like 150 some dollars for a air soft gun and ain't payed him back or something like that and maybe Ryan got mad at Kevin and then Kevin did not edit and Ryan got fed up with him may that why also,Maybe) Ryan just wants the best for the podcast so he had "cut off a arm so the body can live" don't mad at him it can work trust me
ReplyDeletei listened to all epiosode and have no complaitns till now but im not going to stop listing but if the nxt ones rubbish (which im gussing it will be) then ill stop listing
ReplyDeleteAlright, Alright. i will be honest with you GNR. i was never realy going to stop listening. my comment at the top was purly a desperate attempt to get you guys to keep sally. i now understand that you may have made your desission about kevin but i hope you mannage to get sally back.
ReplyDeletei was going to make this comment earlier but my computer keeps stuffing up.
You are going to have to try pretty damn hard to regain and maintain the entertainment that kevin and sally provided. i look forward to hearing your improvments (or not) in the future.
- shapes345
I'm a recent fan of the show, but finding out that Kevin and Sally are gone is pretty disappointing. I'm sure there were "off-screen" difficulties with Kevin that we as listeners may not have known about, but all things being equal he was a great host. And Sally was not only a great co-host by herself, but she really put you guys on the map by bringing in a new player perspective and a female one at that. I hope Sally will reconsider her early departure, and perhaps the original Three Dogs will find some common ground and all return to the airwaves. Looking forward to more episodes.
ReplyDeleteI'm saddened by kevin and sally leaving, but what has to be done was done. If Kevin was a problem, then him being removed was justified. And yet, Sally leaving as well is sad, if she is not satisfied being here since the listeners ruined the fun of a podcast for her, then she had a reson to leave. Although I wish Sally could come back just as much as anyone else, if she does not feel comfortable, then it would be best to let her go. I look forward to listening to more, and hope for good news in the future.
ReplyDeleteso where are these promised changes....... still no new episode.... ryan........
ReplyDeletejks but still whats the status.
hey Ryan we do care. I think what you did was right and me (nadel69) thepyro and dieoxide all have been posting and making support topics. we care Ryan, at least i do.
ReplyDeleteTheeeeey miss me moooooooore! :P
ReplyDeletethats dumb keep the other people
ReplyDeleteany frickin wonder we miss you more sally. what kind of a host calls his fans assholes
ReplyDeleteAndrew-WHAT THE HELL!!!! Serously, I can't believe you are kicking Sally AND Kevin you are so dum. 1-You'll lose listeners and 2-You won't get donations. I added Sally on Xbox 360 and now i know why shes not been online. Shes probly sulking in her room every night. I know most people don't like her voice but what about thepeople who do. And have you ever felt lazy for podcast stuff? Tell Sally and Kevin I'm sorry. I'm not trying to make you fell bad but... YOU'R ASSHOLES.
ReplyDeleteAndrew- I just read BTips and I agree I am also a big fan knowing pretty much every thing to know on fallout 3 but I recently got an Xbox 360 Elite. Though I just pre-ordered the game of the year edition on Amaazon which in fact, BTips, has all the add-ons built in so I'm happy. But I still agree on my last comment on Sally and Kevin.
ReplyDeletewhy did you kick sally off. I know some diddnt like her but many more did, you guys seroiusly have to get her back on
ReplyDeleteI think that even if they pulled Sally and Kevin they can do it. Personally if your taking about the episode staying alive i think Ryan keeps the podcast going with his hilarious jokes. You can do it guys. (Oh and Jacob event though you were quieter in the early episodes when you chime in its always usefull/hilarious/ or sends Ryan on a hilarious rant. Keep up the good fight!